Author: rachel

  • Standing Strong

    Standing Strong

    This is for my brothers and sisters in Christ. Those who know where their Bible is currently located. Those who strive to have consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Those who make every effort to be in the house of God, to learn, to grow, to serve. This is your time. The world is in…

  • We are a Crooked Generation

    We are a Crooked Generation

    I am a Millennial. Which means I am lazy, live in my parents’ basement, can’t pay my own bills, have a sense of entitlement, embrace all things immoral, and am addicted to technology. Did I miss anything? I’m sure I did. It depends on who you ask, of course. The point is, we are a…

  • Does Ezra Condemn my Marriage?

    Does Ezra Condemn my Marriage?

    In the book of Ezra, chapters 9 and 10 are extremely controversial. Ezra is grieved because many of the Jewish people have married the women of the area – “foreign” women. These women are outside of their race, their culture, and their faith. And Ezra makes a bold move in requiring these men to leave…

  • The pilot said, “Remember folks, no pilot is perfect.”

    The pilot said, “Remember folks, no pilot is perfect.”

    We’ve all heard it. You’ve probably said it. Nobody’s perfect. And it’s true enough. Even the Bible tells us that all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. So, naturally, in Christian circles we talk about how no Christian is perfect. We’re still human. We say that when we, or someone we…

  • Dive Into the Word in December

    Dive Into the Word in December

    The virgin will conceive a child and will call him Immanuel (which means God with us.)    Isaiah 7: 14 I wanted to share something that scrolled across my Stalker Feed on Facebook recently. I can’t take credit for it and as there is no watermark or insignia I can’t even link you back to…

  • We have Favor with All Authority

    We have Favor with All Authority

    Have you ever read the book of Ezra? It’s not exactly a best seller of the books of the Bible. It doesn’t seem to get much air time. And the first time I read it, I was a bit dismayed. It’s mostly historical and I didn’t find Ezra to be an exceptionally impressive character. (I…

  • Choose Your Friends Wisely

    Choose Your Friends Wisely

    During my childhood, my “church friends” were my best friends. They were the ones where I spent the night and knew their parents. The ones whose childhood homes I still have memorized in my mind. It wasn’t always rosy, despite us all attending church, professing Christ, and being raised by Christian parents, but the good…

  • Dying to Self

    Dying to Self

    I like myself. Most people probably like themselves. And I’ve spent many years developing myself to be the me I want to be (in theory). And yet, Christ states very clearly, “If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Deny yourself. Well, I…

  • Your Praise Isn’t Just For You

    Your Praise Isn’t Just For You

    It feels good to praise God. Just thinking about it makes me feel a joy and a fullness inside of me. When I praise God – I mean really praise him – I praise him all out. It’s a sing with my whole voice, lift up my whole hands, shout, jump, weep, laugh kind of…

  • Prayer Begets Prayer

    Prayer Begets Prayer

    When my son was a baby, he was not a good sleeper. When he was very small he would sleep during the night, but his naps were short and irregular. As he got a bit older, his sleep was disjointed at all hours. I was given lots of well-meaning advice and I’m sure all of…